SKIN DEEP - Solo Show of Jonas Blume, curated by Tina Sauerlaender


Solo Exhibition of Jonas Blume

Jonas Blume, Yes. (Double David), 2022, installation, two Dibond color prints behind acrylic glass, 80 x 180 cm

Curated by Tina Sauerlaender (peer to space)

At SCOPE BLN, Lübecker Str. 43, 10559 Berlin

April 29 – May 27, 2022

Friday, April 29, 6 – 22 pm: Opening

Skin defines the boundaries of our physical bodies and constitutes the interface for interaction with the world. Artist Jonas Blume uses his skin as medium to reflect on the relationship between reality and image worlds. In his works, skin appears in a liminal state oscillating between flat surface texture and three-dimensional volume, as a membrane between physical state and mediated hyperreality. Based on photographs, Jonas Blume transfers his skin to a variety of mediums and materials to create an enhanced human physicality. In his images, videos, sculptures, and installations he distorts, extends, rearranges, and liquifies his appearance. Blume’s works herald the new age of body consciousness transforming bodies into consumable images. Skin becomes a political canvas because it constitutes the inalienable individual capital that everyone may maximally exploit to generate visibility within the attention economy.

Accompanying Program: 

Thursday, May 5, 17:30 - 19:30h: Opening Hours - Artist and curator are present

Afterwards 20 - 22h: LIGHT YEAR 85 screening >> Urban Algorithms - videos by Dennis Rudolph, Daniel Molnar, Jung Soo Cho, Vasilena Gankovska and Anne Glassner, curated by Boris Kostadinov

Monday, May 9, 6 pm CEST (online, in English): Artist Talk of Jonas Blume with Dr. Stephan Schwingeler, professor for Media Studies at HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts, author of the book Kunstwerk Computerspiel – Digitale Spiele als künstlerisches Material (transcript, 2014) - (Registration by email via

Sunday, May 15, 14 - 16h: Opening Hours - Artist and curator are present

Friday May 20, 18h: Curator’s Tour and Artist Talk with Jonas Blume and Tina Sauerlaender 

Friday, May, 27, 16 – 20 h: Finissage

Group Show Colliding Humans On How We Communicate Online

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COLLIDING HUMANS. Social Interaction on the Internet

Artists: Jonas Blume, Manja Ebert, Aron Lesnik, Lauren Moffatt

Curated by Tina Sauerlaender and Peggy Schoenegge (peer to space)

Organized by medienkunst e.V. – Verein für zeitgenössische Kunst mit neuen Medien

Opening: September 27, 2019, 7 pm  

Duration: September 28 to October 6, 2019

Artist Talk: October 2, 2019, 7 pm

(With the curator Peggy Schoenegge and the artists Jonas Blume, Manja Ebert and Aron Lesnik)

At: Raum für drastische Maßnahmen, Oderstraße 34, 10247 Berlin, Germany

"Good relationships make us happier and healthier." That is the conclusion of two Harvard studies that spent 75 years researching with over 600 people what makes people really happy. But what happens to our relationships when we communicate mostly over the Internet?

Online communication bridges physical distances and connects us. We can easily send messages across continents and get an answer within a few seconds. However, the physical vis-à-vis is missing. The other's body, facial expressions and gestures are no longer part of interpersonal exchange. We are alone with the screen while interacting socially. Like a mirror, the screen echoes us back at ourselves. We share our space only with our own view of the world, while that of others remains out of sight. This one-sided perception can lead to a loss of empathy and—in the end—to disrespectful, hateful comments. As soon as we publish personal information on the Internet, we are exposed to the scrutiny of others, and on the other hand we are free to scrutinize in return.  

Read the full text here.

The participating artists are members of medienkunst e.V.

In cooperation with Raum für drastische Maßnahmen and medienkunst e.V.

Image credits: Lauren Moffatt, The Tulpamancer, 2019, immersive video installation (detail) // Jonas Blume, Rhythm Zero Los Santos, 2019, video still // Aron Lesnik, ISOLATION, 2018, video still // Manja Ebert, sleepingsquad, 2016, video sculpture // All images © the artists

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Group Show on New Media Art at Goethe Media Space, Toronto

TOUCHING FROM A DISTANCE II - Transmediations in the Digital Age

Commissioned & presented by the Goethe-Institut Toronto
Co-presented with Hot Docs, Images Festival & Digifest

Artists: Jonas Blume (DE), Manja Ebert (DE), Ornella Fieres (DE), Aron Lesnik (DE), Lorna Mills (CAN), Sarah Oh-Mock (DE), Julia Charlotte Richter (DE), Anna Ridler (UK), The Swan Collective (DE), Tina Wilke (DE).

Curated by Tina Sauerländer (peer to space)

Opening & Artist Talk: Friday, March 22, 2019, 6:30 pm

Goethe Media Space, 100 University Ave, North Tower, 2nd floor, Toronto, Canada

Touching From A Distance presents recent digital art works immersed into the book shelves and media hardware at the Goethe Media Space. All works deal with transmediation, the process of translating information between different co-existing media–analog or digital, written or visual. The concept of transmediation reflects our daily internet routine, as we stay connected via intangible yet visible information. The band Joy Division praised the effect of music conveyed through the radio with their 1979 song Transmission: “Touching from a distance...sound, that's all we need to synchronise.” Today, digital data reaches and connects us as we post images, create short videos, or use emojis.

The 10 featured works build bridges between literature, language, digital art or VR. Ornella Fieres explores the transitions between analog and digital imagery; Anna Ridler transforms Edgar Allan Poe’s Fall of the House of Usher into an AI animation based on the artist’s drawings; Aron Lesnik creates uncanny animations of people talking about the advantages of reading.

The exhibition is the 2nd version of TOUCHING FROM A DISTANCE, organized by and Literaturhaus Berlin, curated by Manja Ebert, Tina Sauerländer and Peggy Schoenegge in 2018.

The exhibition includes a world premiere by Lorna Mills as well as 6 North American and 3 Canadian premieres.

Duration: Fri, 03/22/2019 - Thu, 05/23/2019

More information

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peer to space at YAMI-ICHI at HeK Basel

At the internet black market (flea market) YAMI-ICHI peer to space presents manufactured goods
by the Berlin-based artists:
Li Alin, Katharina Arndt, Alma Alloro, Jonas Blume, Ornella Fieres and Tanja Selzer
April 22nd, 2017, 2 - 4.30 pm
HeK - House of Electronic Arts Basel, Switzerland
Event on Facebook
Event website
Image: HeK Basel