Kate Durbin's Unfriend Me Now!

SCREENING and ARTIST TALK with Kate Durbin, Los Angeles-based artist and writer.
Kate Durbin's new film Unfriend Me Now! is an exorcism of the rhetorical wars on Facebook over Donald Trump's election in the US. Using the figure of the clown and the white box of the Facebook timeline, Unfriend Me Now! explores the co-option of rage by corporate interests, and the ways we communicate our political views online in the 21st century. After the film screening, Kate Durbin will be in conversation with Berlin-based curator Tina Sauerlaender (peer to space)

August 20, 2018, 7.30 pm at OMO Artspace, Hertzbergstr. 14, 12055 Berlin

Event on Facebook

Recorded Talk

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peer to space at VRHAM!

peer to space’s director Tina Sauerlaender and curator Peggy Schoenegge are part of this year’s VRHAM! Festival in Hamburg, Germany. Tina is part of the jury as well as moderating the panel on VR and art VR here to talk! on Saturday, June 9th at 5 pm. Peggy will open the discourse program with a keynote What the f*** is VR on Thursday, June 7th 2018.

VRHAM! – Virtual Reality and Art Festival Hamburg 2018

June 7th to June 17th 2018

VRHAM! is Germany’s first artistic Virtual Reality festival. VRHAM! is presenting a large variety of outstanding international VR experiences in Hamburg’s Oberhafenquartier, unique in its form and sure to transcend the borders of traditional perception and experience of art.

Further information and program

peer to space’s curator Peggy Schoenegge at A MAZE Festival

Peggy Schoenegge will be part of this year’s jury for the A MAZE AWARD together with Sarah Northway (CA), Robert Yang (US); Jack King-Spooner (UK), and Leena Kejriwal (IN) and participates in the panelDigital Exhibits and the 2nd Spring of Virtual Art Spaces“ moderated by Torsten Wiedemann on Friday, April 27th, 11 to 12 am.

A MAZE. 7th International Games and Playful Media Festival

April 25th to April 29th at Urban Spree, Revaler Straße 99 10245 Berlin

A MAZE. is an international festival focusing on the art and culture of games and playful media. It invites the general public to experience inspiring talks, workshops, music, and an exhibition.

Further information and program



peer to space at DIGIFEST in Toronto

Install view: Li Alin, Enter Me Tonight, House of Electronic Arts Basel, 2017 / Photo by Franz Wamhof

Install view: Li Alin, Enter Me Tonight, House of Electronic Arts Basel, 2017 / Photo by Franz Wamhof

VR projects at Digifest:

H.E.A.R.T. by Erin Gee and Alex M. Lee
Enter Me Tonight by Li Alin

Presented by the Goethe-Institut Toronto
Curated by Tina Sauerlaender (Berlin) and Erandy Vergara (Montreal)

At the invitation of the Goethe-Institut curators Tina Sauerländer and Erandy Vergara have selected VR works for this year’s Toronto Digifest, including two recent pieces by Berlin-based Canadian artist Li Alin and Montreal-based artist Erin Gee in collaboration with South Korean-born, US-based artist Alex M. Lee. The artists use humor and irony to engage in controversial topics: emotions in first-person shooter video games and war in the case of Gee, and a futuristic exploration on human reproduction in technology-oriented times in the case of Alin.

Further information here / Tina Sauerlaender on the Goethe Blog.


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January 31, 2018, 7.30 pm at Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin

Ein Abend. 12 Vorträge à 6 Minuten 40 Sekunden. Je 20 Bilder.

Moderiert von:
Yvonne Zindel (geb. Reiners) und Tina Sauerländer

Netzwerke sind in der Kunstwelt omnipräsent. Sie manifestieren sich in der Form von Kooperationen, Vereinen, Verbänden oder interaktiven, partizipativen sozialen Skulpturen, Salons sowie ihren Äquivalenten in der virtuellen Welt. Aber was bedeuten Netzwerke für KuratorInnen, KünstlerInnen, KunsthistorikerInnen und andere Akteure der Kunstszene eigentlich? In Kurzvorträgen im Pecha Kucha-Format beleuchten die SprecherInnen aus der (Berliner) Kunstszene die Bedeutung des Netzwerks als Plattform für Austausch, gegenseitige Stärkung und nicht zuletzt als eine (produktive) Metapher für menschliche Zusammenarbeit.

Die Veranstaltung wird organisiert von Performing Encounters und peer to space

Further information and speaker's list

Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?*

This event is co-organized by peer to space's director Tina Sauerlaender who also founded the SALOON, a network for females working in the art scenes in Berlin, Paris and Vienna. This public event entitled Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? after an essay by LInda Nochlin (1971) introduces 8 SALOON members who will speak about females in art in short presentations.

ACUD SALOON PE Ankündigung.jpg

Critical Conversation on Virtual Reality in Canada

Critical Approaches to Virtual Reality: A Conversation about the Present, Past and Future of VR

Presenters: Tina Sauerlaender, Erandy Vergara, Paloma Dawkins, Tali Goldstein and Ruben Farrus (Casa Rara)

May 24th, 5pm to 7pm

Milieux Institute at Concordia University

Recent art projects and discussions about VR seem mostly awestruck by the possibilities of the technologies themselves. However, there are critical and historical perspectives that we must address in order to investigate issues of aesthetics, politics, and the conceptual aspects of VR artworks and games. This conversation will include questions such as: How can artists and collectives working with Virtual Reality today challenge mainstream uses of this technology? What can we learn from the pioneers of VR and the criticism that media theorists asked regarding early celebratory discourses? Where are we in regards to issues of embodiment/disembodiment? What about feminist and postcolonial critiques of VR?

Studio XX sincerely thanks the Goethe-Institut and the Milieux Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology at Concordia University for their support as partners of this event.

Image: Exhibition view THE UNFRAMED WORLD at HeK Basel, artwork: Banz & Bowinkel, Mercury, 2016 (Installation view, VR experience) / Photo by Franz Wamhof


Lecture by peer to space's director Tina Sauerländer
Since the launch of HTC ViveOculus Rift or Google Cardboard, Virtual Reality (VR) is widely used in artistic practice. Not only artists working with the digital deal with the new medium, also many artists from other fields e.g. performance of sculpting discover VR as a medium to extend and enhance their artistic ideas. The lecture will include current developments in artistic VR experiences and the history of VR art.
May 9th, 2017, 12.30 pm, Event page
re:publica, Berlin

Lecture by Tina Sauerländer on YouTube

Image: re:publica

Image: re:publica

TALK: Virtual Reality in Art

With Philip Hausmeier, Tina Sauerländer, Sven Slazenger, and Dr. Ursula Ströbele

Virtual Reality technologies are almost omnipresent, but what does this mean for art? Are those technologies capable of expanding our visions of art and design? Can Virtual Reality bring together the digital and physically-spatial experiences? 

April 12th, 2017, 7 pm
Eigen + Art Lab, Berlin
Event on Facebook
Image: Eigen and Art Lab

PECHA KUCHA ART NIGHT: Art in the Age of Earthquakes ?!

For the 3rd time, peer to space and Performing Encounters organize the PECHA KUCHA ART NIGHT that will take place at Martin-Gropius-Bau in Berlin on November 6, 2016, at 4 pm.  


Die Euphorie über die Möglichkeiten des Internet und der Share Economy hat sich in eine allgemeine Skepsis verwandelt. Haben Erschütterungen wie die Enthüllungen Edward Snowdens auch der Aufbruchstimmung in der Kunstwelt zugesetzt? Oder haben deren Akteure das Potential des Internets noch gar nicht erkannt? Wie gehen sie mit der analog-digitalen Hybridität um? Wie kreieren und kommunizieren sie Kunst im virtuellen Zeitalter? Was sind Chancen und Risiken für Künstler, Galeristen oder Museen? Welche Bilder sind heute wichtig und wie funktionieren sie? Was bedeutet der digitale Wandel für die Kunst – und im Besonderen für das Bild?


Katharina Lee Chichester, kuratorische Assistentin, +ultra. gestaltung schafft wissen
A.R. practice / Agnieszka Roguski und Ann Richter, Ausstellungskollektiv
Michael Haas, Sonice Development
Thomas Heidtmann, Künstler und Kurator, Lacuna Lab
Paul Wiersbinski, Künstler
Anja Henckel, Kuratorin, Import Projects
Carina Lueschen, Künstlerin

Ute Marxreiter, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin für Bildung und Vermittlung im Ethnologischen Museum und Museum für Asiatische Kunst
Sophia Gräfe, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaftlerin
Aram Bartholl, Künstler
Oliver Zauzig, Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik, Koordinierungsstelle für Universitätssammlungen in Deutschland
Philip Hausmeier, VR-Künstler
Sarah Hermanutz, Künstlerin und Entwicklerin

Artist as Curators. Panel Discussion at Finnish Institute in Berlin

Panel discussion on curating at Finnland-Institut in Deutschland with the artists and curators of Black Market Berlin, Marcus Eek and Olli Piippo, and Anja Lückenkemper, artistic director of Kunstverein Göttingen and peer to space's curator Tina Sauerländer, moderated by the head of the Finnish Insitute, Dr. Laura Hirvi! 
Photo by Carlotta Meyer

More on Facebook or the website of the Finnland Institut.

They Shoot Horses, Don't They?

peer to space's director Tina Sauerländer speaks about her curatorial approach and introduces the European Premieres of the Video Documentations of the Hello Selfie Performances by Los Angeles-based artist Kate Durbin, Hello Selfie NYC (2015), Hello Selfie Men (2016) and Hello Selfie Miami (2016).


For the second time, Yvonne Reiners (Performing Encounters) and Tina Sauerländer (peer to space) organize:


July 12, 2016, 7:30 pm at Haus am Lützowplatz, Lützowplatz 9, Berlin

There is so much ART. But why is ART so important for our society? Can ART take over social responsibility? How will ART develop in the (near) future? Fantastic speakers from different fields of Berlin’s art scene will take over the mic and talk about their sustainable values in ART and about their perspectives for the future.

Speakers: Anna Bromley, Künstlerin und Kuratorin // Lisa Glauer, Künstlerin und Kuratorin // Dr. Laura Hirvi, Leiterin Finnland Institut // Kristian Jarmuschek, Galerie Jarmuschek & Partner, Gründer POSITIONS BERLIN // Johann König, Galerist, König Galerie // Ornella Fieres, Künstlerin // Dr. Eva Meyer-Hermann, freie Ausstellungsmacherin, cakesmeyer // Dr. An Paenhuysen, Bloggerin, Kunstkritikerin und Kuratorin // Ece Pazarbaşı, Kuratorin und Ärtzin bei der Berlin Art Grant Clinic //  Anne Schwanz, Direktorin, Eigen und Art Lab // Melina Volkmann, Co-Founder www.stusu.com // Lena Winter, Auktionshaus Villa Grisebach

More information on: HaL Berlin's Website